1. General Information
In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the owner of this website and provider of information services is:
- Company Name: MEDIDEDALIA S.L.U.
- Registered Address: Passeig de la Bonanova 47, 08017 Barcelona, Spain.
- Tax Identification Number (NIF): B-44851020.
- Registration Information: Registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona, File B-593409, Volume 48710, Page 221.
- Economic Activity Code (CNAE): 6202, corresponding to IT consultancy services.
Contact Information:
2. Website Services
This website aims to provide users with information about the services and products related to the company’s activities. The company’s objective is to collect, analyze, and process healthcare data using Artificial Intelligence technologies. We specialize in the design, construction, validation, and implementation of services and products obtained through AI technologies. Our focus includes research, consultancy, education, promotion, and sale of products and services based on AI, particularly in the field of clinical safety.
3. Compliance with Security Measures and Applicable Regulations
MEDIDEDALIA informs users that the website complies with the following security measures and regulations:
- All necessary IT security and prevention measures.
- Compliance with Law 11/2023 of May 8, which transposes European Directives on Accessibility.
The website also ensures that the information on services and products complies with:
- Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
- The Royal Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the Consumer Protection and User Law.
- The applicable provisions of Regulation UE 2024/1689 from the European Parliament and Council on Artificial Intelligence.
- Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
- Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.
4. User Access to the Website and Legal Notice
Accessing the website and using its content and services implies full acceptance of the Legal Notice published at the time of access. For certain content and services, prior registration may be required. By using the website, the user also agrees to any specific conditions that may apply.
The most recent version of the Legal Notice can always be accessed through the “Legal Notice” link. If the user does not agree to the conditions, they must refrain from using the website.
The user acknowledges that using the website is solely at their own risk. They agree to use the website in compliance with the law, the terms in this Legal Notice, and any other instructions provided. The user must not use the website for illegal purposes or actions that could harm third parties or the website itself.
MEDIDEDALIA is not responsible for accidental errors on the website, nor for damages caused by improper use or misinterpretation of the information provided.
The user is responsible for any damages the website may suffer as a result of non-compliance with these obligations.
5. External Content and Services
The MEDIDEDALIA website may offer links to third-party websites for user convenience. These links allow access to content, services, or products managed by external companies.
Including such links does not imply that MEDIDEDALIA controls, approves, or monitors these external pages. We are not responsible for the content, functionality, or payment processes of these third-party websites. We do not have access to or process any personal data that users may provide when accessing external websites.
MEDIDEDALIA disclaims any responsibility for information found outside this website, especially regarding the accuracy or update of external content that users may access.
6. Intellectual and Industrial Property
The content of this website is protected by intellectual and industrial property laws.
All trademarks, designs, logos, software, trade names, domain names, subdomains, and other elements that may be protected by intellectual property rights are either owned by MEDIDEDALIA or properly authorized for inclusion on the website.
Users are not granted any licenses or rights to use the website’s content, services, or other elements, particularly with regard to reproduction, distribution, transformation, or public communication. Any unauthorized use of the website’s content may constitute an infringement of copyright laws.
7. Data Protection
In accordance with Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018 (LOPDGDD), users can access the MEDIDEDALIA Data Protection Policy through the following link: [Privacy Policy].
8. Information About Cookies
The web portal will use cookies, small text files that are placed on the device from which you browse, with the main objective of improving the user experience when navigating the portal.
A pop-up window informing you about the use of cookies will appear when you first access the portal, providing the necessary information to install them. It will remain visible until the user agrees to install the cookies. The portal will also include a warning bar that will offer the possibility of uninstalling the cookies at any time.
Details about cookies policy can be found here.
9. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
For the resolution of any dispute arising from the interpretation or application of this Legal Notice, or directly or indirectly related to the use of the website’s services, Spanish law will apply, and the case will be resolved in the courts of Barcelona.
Before taking legal action, both parties agree to negotiate in good faith to resolve the dispute within one month from the date one party formally notifies the other of their intention to take legal action.